Judging Criteria
All adjudication at our DanceSport Confidence events are based on the following criteria:
Rhythm, Alignment, Timing, Footwork, Foot Positions
Ability to identify aspects in relation to: Hold, Tempo, Beats and Bars and a Precede
Ability to follow choreography transitions
The above criteria are taught to the students along with bowing, walking on and starting and finishing a dance during the program.
Over and above the adjudication, there is a scrutineering system which is done in 2 stages:
In the first stage, the adjudicators’ marks are scrutineered by "DanceScore", which is an application used for all DanceSport events, including the National Championship and the Australian Championship. From there, one point is awarded to each school that makes it to the next round of that particular dance, continuing to the final.
In the final, the school that achieves the highest mark from the adjudicators in that particular dance is awarded 8 points for 1st place (assuming there are 8 couples in the final ), 7 points for 2nd place, 6 points for 3rd place, 5 points for 4th place, 4 points for 5th place, 3 points for 6th place, 2 points for 7th place and 1 point for 8th place.
The overall winning schools (1st, 2nd and 3rd) are assessed from the cumulative points received from the first round to the final. These are presented with place trophies.